Thursday, August 27, 2009

It was raining that day, I had no umbrella with me & Rihanna wasn't there to share her's too. Then I prayed on the bus that it would stop raining. When I alighted, the rain was much worse than a drizzle but better than a downpour.

I reached this roughly 120m stretch of uncovered walkway. It was long enough for me to be drenched but after this stretch the rest of the way would be sheltered.

THEN, a miracle happened. It stopped raining.

My mouth went from 'ahhh' to 'WHOA!'. Before that, I had no faith that it would actually stop raining. The rain did 'subside' a little before I alighted so I thought the rain would probably hang in there for a while. So when it did stop it was like a wake up call, reminding me that God is and will be there.

It was on my calendar.

Scott's Vitamin C pastiles - for you to eat.
Take care of yourselves in this odd weather, (:

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