Everything's "lomo-ed" here cos it's the easiest and fastest (ie laziest) way to make a photo look less boring.

Back from Taman to Singapore, without a single photo cos I didn't bring my phone. But I did use gh's camera & I realised that I have shaky hands. Can't help it though, my hands aren't meant to be a tripod anyway. The whole trip was fun and I pulled through without feeling half as bad as during other camps. Everything was alright except for the trekking - it was quite hard on my under-exercised body.
Saw a teeny weeny shooting star, on the last night. There was supposed to be a meteor shower but we didn't catch it. & there's charlie (a leech), su ian's daughter/son. Btw, leeches are hermaphrodites; meaning they have both male & female reproductive organs. So, animals can be both... Then how do they reproduce? (wiki has the answer)
We slept in a cave for 1 night & it would be better if I didn't have to climb the 60-odd steps. Each time I reached the top, my legs will turn to jelly.
We did rapid shooting too, it's just a sampan zooming on the river. There was lots of water, rain & wind - FREAKING UBER COLD. Trembling like mad and screamed to keep myself warm. It worked, you know. My theory is the tae kwon do one, but chu yi thinks it's all in the mind. And nobody ever seem to believe it. Except maybe those who did it.
This was from m'sia, $8.90 ringgit (S$3.60). I bought lemon flavour & ky bought the apple one.
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