Thursday, December 10, 2009

Diff'rent Strokes - CUTE!

Watched the Diff'rent Strokes's minisode yesterday on hallmark. It's a super old 80s sitcom but really funny, like The Nanny, hahahhaha

The 1st 3 is Gary Coleman playing Arnold Jackson, super cute right! He's like an adult (in the show) & I mean the whole package; the talk, facial expressions & even his beer belly. The last one is Sam (Danny Cooksey), super cute too! But I don't think he appears on all the episodes.

But you know, the weird thing is; these people are all grown-ups and here I am thinking they're cute like babies, or maybe toddlers.

This is the Romeo & Juliet episode

Check out the bulimia one also, just search 'diff'rent strokes bulimia' on utube.

You know, I might get hooked on this.

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